Different types of Cross-Country Skis – or
Everything Pete knows
about buying skis
When people are first introduced to cross-country skiing, they are
often shown (or rented) a generic pair of skis - very likely an
excellent ski, carefully selected to be reasonably good for any use on
snow. But there is so much more to cross-country skiing than that! This
presentation is designed to give you an introduction to the different
types of skis and why you might be interested in one over another.
idea is that you follow the 'Next' buttons or answer the questions when
posed. But clicking the 'Table of Contents' button will show you all
the pages - there aren't that many. Clicking the big link at the top of
the Table of Contents will bring you back to this page. You might also
remember your browser's 'Back' arrow. Questions? Check with Pete :) He
does not claim to be the ultimate authority, but he has been
cross-country skiing for 60+ years... (Some would say that that makes
his opinions rather 'dated'.)