Royal Gorge, California

This page was created in Dec. 2021 for our club's general membership meeting, but we are leaving it up for general information. You are invited to join our meeting:  (Zoom) meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 2021. Hope to see you then!

Royal Gorge

Royal Gorge is just up the hill from Lake Tahoe, on the border between Nevada and California.  Bellinghamsters don't usually make it this far south to ski, but if you were on a road trip to California or Las Vegas, it is a neat place to stop. (I've skied there once on a trip to visit my son in Nevada. First night at Bend, Oregon, skiing at Mt. Bachelor, then skiing at Royal Gorge on the second day.) And any list of major Nordic ski destinations would be remiss in not including it.

It advertises itself as "North America's largest XC resort, Royal Gorge offers 6 distinct trail systems featuring 8 different warming huts across 6,000 acres, seamlessly integrated with the Village at Sugar Bowl. From classic striding to XC skating, snowshoeing, and even trails you can enjoy with your dog, Royal Gorge offers a wonderful opportunity to enjoy scenic winter adventures with some of the finest views in the Sierra."

Fair warning, it's expensive!

What I would do/ski: